Investment climate of the region
Республика Карелия расположена на северо-западе России, входит в состав Северо-Западного федерального округа Российской Федерации
Personnel and labor potential
The size of the labor force (aged 15 and over) on average in 2020 (according to the data of a sample survey of the labor force) amounted to 299,300 people in the republic.
Territorial division
City districts
Petrozavodsk City District
Kostomuksha city district
Municipal districts
Kemsky municipal district
Lahdenpokh municipal district
Muezersky municipal district
Olonets National Municipal District
Pitkyarantsky municipal district
Prionezhsky municipal district
Pryazhinsky municipal district
Pudozhsky municipal district
Segezha municipal district
Sortavalsky municipal district
Kondopozhsky municipal district
Suoyarva municipal district
Medvezhegorsky municipal district
Loukhsky municipal district
Belomorsky municipal district
Kalevalsky municipal district