Recipients are citizens, heads of peasant farms
Maximum amount
- 3 million rubles (5 million rubles for the implementation of a project for the breeding of cattle of meat or dairy productivity)
- 4 million rubles (up to 6 million rubles for the implementation of a project for the breeding of cattle of meat or dairy productivity)
Expenditure directions
- Acquisition of land plots which are parts of agricultural lands
- Acquisition, construction and repair of production and warehouse buildings, premises, as well as the development of design and estimate documentation
- Connecting production and warehouse buildings to engineering networks (electricity, heat, gas, water)
- Acquisition of agricultural animals (except pigs) and birds
- Acquisition of fish seed material
- Acquisition of agricultural machinery, including trailed and hinged equipment, as well as trucks and snowmobiles
- Acquisition of planting material for perennial planting
- Depositing no less than 25% and no more than 50% to the indivisible cooperative fund
- Repayment of the principal debt on loans received in Russian credit institutions for purchasing agricultural machinery, including hinged equipment, trucks and snowmobiles; acquisition, construction and repair of production and warehouse buildings
- Delivery and installation of agricultural machinery, including snowmobiles and trucks
‘AgroStartUp’ grant funds invested in the indivisible fund of agricultural consumer cooperative, can be spent on as follows:
- Acquisition of equipment for production facilities of agricultural consumer cooperatives (ACoC)
- Fish farming infrastructure facilities
- Acquisition of agricultural machinery, including trailed equipment, trucks and snowmobiles
Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Fish Farming of the Republic of Karelia: